The Bread of Heaven


(EXODUS 16:1-12)

The Lord is the bread of heaven. Those who know him will never go hungry.

  • Knowing God

    • The True Threat (vv. 1-4)

    • Knowing Him Through Bread (vv. 5-8)

  • The Glory of the Lord (vv. 9-12)

Discussion Starters

Monday—Why did Israel grumble again even though they just witnessed a miracle in chapter 15? What is grumbling really about? Have you grumbled against the Lord lately?

Tuesday—What does it mean to know the Lord? When did you first begin to know him?

Wednesday—Why is it significant that he reveals himself through bread? Does he still do that?

Thursday—What happens when the Glory of the Lord shows up? How does he satisfy those who know the Lord?

Friday—How has your life changed since knowing Jesus? Will you ever lack anything?