Grieving with Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

Because our bodies are holy, death cannot have the final word—they must be raised up to join Christ on the Last Day.

  • The Hope of the Resurrection (vv. 13-16)

  • No Secret Rapture (vv. 16-17)

  • Encouraging One Another (vv. 14, 18)

Discussion Starters

Monday—How does the fact that our bodies are holy (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12) relate to the hope of the resurrection? (4:13-18) Why can’t God leave the bodies of his holy ones in the grave?

Tuesday—Is what Paul is describing in this passage something that anyone can miss? When does it happen? How does this help us know what to expect and when to expect it?

Wednesday—Trumpets were used for battle, warnings of judgment, and declarations of mercy for God’s people. How do each of these relate to what this passage is describing? How will those trumpets sound to you on the Last Day?

Thursday—Why does Paul say Christians "fall asleep,” but Jesus “died”? Why should that be a comfort to you?

Friday—What does it mean to grieve with hope? How can you encourage fellow Christians in the midst of grief? What should you avoid doing?

Brett McNeill

Brett McNeill has been our pastor since we began in 2004. He and Jen have been married since 1998 and have four wonderful daughters. Brett is a graduate of Westminster Seminary in California (Masters in Divinity, 2003). His desire is to clearly proclaim Jesus Christ from all of Scripture in a way that is clear, convicting and encouraging.