Two Suppers (Revelation 19:1-21)

Two Suppers
Revelation 19:1-21

God is all-loving and all-powerful.

I.    God Demonstrates His Power Over the Nations (vv. 11-21)
    A.    The Beastly Beasts (vv. 19-21; cf. Revelation 13)
    B.    The Paradigm of Oppression (Exodus 1-11)
    C.    The Exodus (vv. 11-21; Exodus 12)

II.    God Demonstrated His Power and Love in the Passover (vv. 1-10, 13; Psalms 113-118)
    A.    Something Gets Eaten (v. 13; 1 Corinthians 5:7)
    B.    Feast as Memorial and Celebration (vv. 1-10; cf. Exodus 12:14; 13:14; Psalms 113-118)

III.    God Demonstrates His Love in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (vv. 1-10; Psalms 146-150)
    A.    Feast as Anticipation (v. 14)
    B.    Hallelujah as Crescendo (Psalms 146-150)
    C.    A Picture of Love

Discussion Starters

1.    Monday—Why do you think God chose “beasts” to represent governments and false religions that persecute His people? Why is this a fitting image?
2.    Tuesday—How is Egypt a great example of such oppressive power? What is the lesson learned in the Exodus?
3.    Wednesday—Revelation 19:12 says that God has a name that only He knows. Why should it be a comfort and not a problem that you cannot know everything about God?
4.    Thursday—What is the main difference between the two suppers in Revelation 19 (vv. 7-9, 17)? Why is it a blessing to be invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
5.    Friday—What are some ways that the Lord’s Supper is meant to remind you of God’s love? How is “hallelujah” an appropriate response to that love?