The Hard Way (Jeremiah 4:5 - 6:30)

The Hard Way

Jeremiah 4:5 - 6:30

Sometimes the only way God can teach us that we want the wrong things, is by allowing us to have them.

I. The Judgment from the North

A. The Coming Judgment (4:5-8, 11-18, 23-31; 5:10-11, 15-17; 6:1-5, 22-26)

B. The Indifference of the People (4:22, 29-31; 5:20-21; 6:1-5)

II. The Confusion of Jeremiah

A. Jeremiah’s Charge (4:10; 19-22)

B. God’s Reasons (4:18; 5:1-19, 29; 6:6-8)

III. The Heart of God

A. Not Complete Destruction (4:27; 5:10, 18)

B. Teaching Us to Look for Help (4:13-17)

C. The Hardest Way

Discussion Starters

1. Monday—What does it mean when a parent says a child has to learn the hard way? Can you relate? Have you ever had to learn the hard way?

2. Tuesday—Is Jeremiah’s struggle and confusion at God’s announcement of judgment a comfort or a disappointment to you? Why?

3. Wednesday—Who is really to blame for the hard times coming to Judah? Why do we tend to blame others when our foolishness blows up in our face?

4. Thursday—What does “the hard way” teach us? What should you learn through it?

5. Friday—What does God allowing you to learn the hard way show you about his heart? Is he indifferent or loving?