Persistent Love (Jeremiah 25:1-38)

Persistent Love Jeremiah 25:1-38 God is a faithful and persistent God because he is far more interested in the eternal than the fleeting. I. The Persistent Prophet (vv. 1-7) A. Unwilling to Listen (vv. 1-7) B. Twenty-Three Years (vv. 1-3) II. The Persistent God (vv. 8-38) A. Longer than Twenty-Three Years (v. 4) B. When the Lion Roars (vv. 8-14, 19-38) C. Judgment Begins with the House of God (vv. 11-18, 29-35) III. A Persistent Love A. The More Pressing Questions B. All the Earth’s Inhabitants (v. 29) C. The Secret of Persistence D. While You Wait Discussion Starters 1. Monday—Do you prefer adventure or persistently seeking what is good and lasting? What do you thinks us ignore what is important for what is fun? 2. Tuesday—Is our biggest problem ignorance of God’s truth? If not, what is it? 3. Wednesday—What happened during Jeremiah’s first twenty-three years of ministry? Do you think you’d have the strength to persevere through circumstances like that? 4. Thursday—What does the image of God as a sleeping lion convey? Does a lion sleep forever? 5. Friday—What is it that drives God to persist with us for so long despite our rebellion and unwillingness to listen? What is God’s persistence meant to be a comfort?