Hope for the Bitter (Ruth 4:13-22)

God who overcomes our sin, guilt, and bitterness through the gift of a child who is a servant and Redeemer.

  1. Ten Years Earlier… (Ruth 1:1-21)
    a. The Rebellious Backstory (vv. 1-2)
    b. The Dire Consequences (v. 3)
    c. The Bitter Response (vv. 4-21)

  2. Today, Yesterday, and Every Day
    a. Everyone’s Story
    b. Hope for the Bitter?

  3. Back in Bethlehem (Ruth 4:13-22)
    a. Holding Your Redeemer in Your Lap (vv. 13-17)
    b. The Silent Servant
    c. Same City, Different Child (vv. 18-22)
    d. Beholding Jesus

Discussion Starters

  1. Monday—What are some ways your life has gone differently than you expected? What are two different ways we can respond when life goes sideways?

  2. Tuesday—What was wrong with Elimelech and Naomi’s decision to go to Moab? Where were they placing their trust for the future?

  3. Wednesday—Why do you think Naomi was so angry with God? Have you ever felt that way? When?

  4. Thursday—How is Obed a gift to Naomi? What is God showing us about himself in this gift?

  5. Friday—How are you meant to relate to Naomi? How is God’s response to her meant to be an encouragement to you?