32 - Living Every Day Like It's Your Last (Luke 12:35-48; Exodus 12:11)

Those who live as if Jesus might return at any moment are blessed.

  1. The Waiting is the Hardest Part (vv. 36, 39-40, 45-48)

    1. Patience is Suffering (v. 36)

    2. Idle Hands are the Devil’s Workshop (vv. 39, 41-42, 45)

    3. When the Master Gets Home (vv. 40, 46-48)

  2. Always Ready (vv. 35, 37-38, 43-44)

    1. Live Every Day as if it were the Last (v. 35; Exodus 12:11)

    2. The Servant Becomes the Master (vv. 43-44)

    3. The Master Becomes the Servant (vv. 37-38)

Discussion Starters

  1. Monday—Why did the Israelites need to prepare for the Passover (Exodus 12)? What would have happened to them if they did not prepare?

  2. Tuesday—Why is waiting so hard? What are your tendencies when you have to wait a long time for something?

  3. Wednesday—What are some ways that people are tempted to mistreat those who are important to God? Who are people in your life that you need to be careful not to mistreat?

  4. Thursday—Why has Jesus told us that he will come when no one expects it?

  5. Friday—Read Luke 12:37. Why is the image of a Master serving his servants upon his return so startling? How is that image meant to comfort you today?