3 - Why? (Job 2:11 - 3:26)

Job loses his way (of wisdom) because he seeks to make sense of his suffering with the logic of this world.

  1. Job’s Counselors (2:11-13)

    1. Job’s Trials Continue

    2. A Funeral for the Living (vv. 12-13; cf. 1 Samuel 31:13)

  2. Preferring Death to Life (3:1-26)

    1. The Despondency of Job (3:1-10)

    2. Accusation Without Cursing (3:1-10)

    3. Despising the Day He Was Born (3:11-19)

    4. To Die is Gain? (3:20-22; cf. Philippians 1:21-26)

    5. Finding Fault with God (3:23-26)